Data Capture Services & Solutions

Data capture is referred to as pulling data from abstract resources like forms, papers, receipts, or photographs and converting that data into a digital or electronic format. It is widely popular as electronic data capture (EDC). Being a complex and tedious process of converting data to an electronic format from physical format, it requires a lot of expertise. It becomes even more challenging when there is a large number of a document to be taken care of. Here is the scenario where NexGen can be your pillar of strength and support throughout the process.

Hire our Data Capture Experts

We have proven expertise in providing document scanning and data capture services for large volumes in a very short timeline. We have worked for businesses of all sizes - big or small in handling their document digitization needs of large volumes. Data capture services saves your time, money and headache of creating extra storage space every year for your physical documents. Thousands are spent to create new infrastructure and buy office equipment to meet the ever growing need of storing documents.

Our data capture expertise specialize in following areas:

Conversion of data from paper to image:
We have the required expertise to convert large volumes of documents into digital images. The images files can be of different file formats that are processed and stored in database.
Capturing competitor data:
One of the important business strategies is to capture competitor data that can give you insight over strengths and weakness of your competitors. Knowing all the crucial information about your competitor you get an advantage to improve your business.
Capturing data from promotional materials:
We help you to capture important information from coupons, promotional vouchers, sales or purchase receipts.
Scanning and imaging:
NexGen use its expertise to handle sensitive information in the legal documents that needs extra care. We scan and convert data from checks through OCR and ICR and securely store and extract information.
Forms data capture:
NexGen extracts information from different forms and converts them to images. It is further processed and stored securely into a database.
Data capture from microfilms, magnetic tapes and photo:
We ensure that the data is captured, processed and made in digitization form from various data sources such as microfilms, magnetic tapes, cards, photographs, magnetic storage devices and stored in a database.

Benefits of NextGen Data Capture Services:

  • Save Storage Space:Converting your physical documents into digital formats saves you storage space thereby saving you money to be spent on creating infrastructure
  • Reduced Administrative Tasks:You can reduce administrative headaches and staffing costs to manage documents through document digitization.
  • Save Time:Saves you time that can be wasted in accessing and retrieving documents.
  • Secure Your Data: Your data is completely safe when it is converted to digital format. You can never have sleepless nights fearing to lose crucial data in physical format. You can have backup of data that can be stored at multiple locations.

You can get a competitive advantage by outsourcing your data capture requirements to NexGen Data Entry services. Contact Us today!